Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Ray Rowe retained the Firestorm title with a pinfall win over John McChesney. Rowe will defend against Necro Butcher on Dec. 30 at the Phantasy Theater in Lakewood, Ohio.
Club DB (Justin & CJ) beat Cut Throat Crew in a TLC match when P.J. Kinney (formerly Starless) came out of the crowd and put Rufio Rapier through a table.
Lou Marconi won a slugfest over Shane Taylor. Marconi will take on Colt Cabana on Dec. 30.
Marcus Knight pinned Jedidiah McCoy.
Big League Stephanie won a triple-threat match over Angel Dust and Brittany McCoy.
Bill Collier became the No. 1 contender to the Firestorm title, winning a scramble match over The Aftermath, Nicky Valentino, Matthew Justice, and J-Rocc.
Club DB (Justin & CJ) beat Cut Throat Crew in a TLC match when P.J. Kinney (formerly Starless) came out of the crowd and put Rufio Rapier through a table.
Lou Marconi won a slugfest over Shane Taylor. Marconi will take on Colt Cabana on Dec. 30.
Marcus Knight pinned Jedidiah McCoy.
Big League Stephanie won a triple-threat match over Angel Dust and Brittany McCoy.
Bill Collier became the No. 1 contender to the Firestorm title, winning a scramble match over The Aftermath, Nicky Valentino, Matthew Justice, and J-Rocc.
Ray Rowe overcame John McChesney's mind games to retain the Firestorm Pro Wrestling championship on Nov. 25. However, challengers are lining up to try to take the champ down...Necro Butcher will be in town on Dec. 30 to take a crack at Rowe in a street fight...The winner will face Bill Collier in 2010 after he lived up his "Big Time" potential and won the scramble match at Reign of Fire...Also, Lou Marconi defeated Shane Taylor in hard-hitting battle. Marconi will try to stay undefeated in Lakewood when he takes on Colt Cabana on Dec. 30...Finally, Club DB survived the TLC match (Tables, Ladders, and Chairs) match with the Cut Throat Crew after another disruption by the former "Starless" P.J. Kinney. How will his war with Firestorm owner JC be resolved?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Show in Medina Cancelled Tonight
Monday, October 5, 2009
A CALL FOR BLOOD 2009 Results
A Call For Blood Results Oct. 2, 2009 Phantasy Theater Lakewood, OH Attendance: 190 Commentary by Jeff Gorman & Machine Gun Kelly Ring Announcer: Waylon (Chuck Roberts was unable to do the show due to a flight delay in Dallas) Referees: Tom Dunn & Mick Lovin 1. The Debuting Tag Team of Brittany & Jedediah McKoy defeated Angeldust & Marcus Knight when Jed hit the Slop Bucket Slam (Black Hole Slam) on Knight. 2. Shiima Xion Defeated Nicki Valentino by tapout to the crossface. Firestorm co-owners JC & Waylon announcing the next show, Reign of Fire on Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 25, with two bands -- (216) and Dead Even -- performing live after the show. They also announced that Necro Butcher will challenge for the Firestorm Championship at Destroy Erase Improve 2009 on Dec 30. 3. John McChesney defeated Patrick Hayes to become the #1 contender for the Firestorm Championship after Phil Kinney (formerly known as Starless) hit Hayes with a chair. After the match, Phil threw Hayes into the ring post with a chair around Hayes’ neck, causing Patrick Hayes to crack 2 vertebrae in his back. 4. The Cut Throat Crew & Matthew Justice defeated Club DB in a six man tag. After the match Club DB almost suplexed Rufio through a table causing JC to announce that at The Reign of Fire, Club DB will have to defend their title in a Tables Ladders and Chairs Match. 5. Lou Marconi defeated Tim Green in the shortest submission match in history with the cross armbreaker. "M-Dogg 20" Matt Cross then came out to disprove Green’s claim that the Marconi-MDogg match would be postponed for the third time. 6. Lou Marconi defeated M-Dogg 20 by tapout to the Texas cloverleaf. 7. Firestorm Pro Wrestling champion Raymond Rowe defeated “Notorious” Shane Taylor with the Death Rowe knee strike. McChesney then clobbered Rowe with a chair to set their title match on Nov. 25 at Reign of Fire. 8. Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka and The Aftermath beat J-Rocc and “Big Time” Bill Collier with stereo Superfly splashes and a double pin. Stay turned to firestormpro.com for updates leading into Reign of Fire on Nov. 25, the biggest party night of the year!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
We here at Firestorm Pro are proud to announce that on October 9th we will be debuting at a brand new venue for us when we bring LIVE PRO WRESTLING to Legends in Medina. We are very excited by this opportunity to expand our horizons and create new fans in different parts of the region. The show at Legends will be the first step in many to come as Firestorm Pro is dedicated to delivering the most innovative and exciting professional wrestling product that you have ever seen.
Matches already announced
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
War Games
Firestorm Pro
Reviewed by Joe Babinsack
*** Thats right as a special to all the fans of FIRESTORM PRO WRESTLING if you purchase the War Games 2009 DVD online you get a FREE THIS IS AWSOME T-SHIRT (Seen Below). A $25 Dollar value for only $20!!!
Firestorm Pro is one of many promotions in the growing hotbed of professional wrestling in Ohio, and notably the Cleveland area. War Games, which promoter JC Koszewski calls the best show from top to bottom that I have ever been involved with is the latest of a growing number of awesome DVDs from the area.
This event took place on July 10th of this year, and is the culmination of a feud in the company between the Big League faction, headed by Fabulous John McChesney, and the home brand, Team Firestorm, with the big names and a seemingly temporary alliance with Raymond Rowe, one of the biggest names in the Ohio/Pennsylvania indy scene.
War Games is of course, an homage to the always spectacular spectacle of a cage match with bloodthirsty combatants and the blow off match of all blow off matches.
At least, if youre paying attention to details.
And details are what Firestorm brings to the table.
I loved Awesome Intense Wrestling, and JC Koszewski was one of the partners in that group, and is now taking his vision to his own promotion. While theres always going to be points of contention when youre a cutting edge visionary, I find Firestorm Pro a little more mainstream, but at the same time much more creative. Instead of some of the overblown trappings and ongoing darkness to the matches of AIW, Firestorm Pro keeps it pretty focused on the ring.
Somewhat annoying is the announcing to the crowd, but if thats the only bother on a DVD, then the promotions doing way more things correct than not.
Firestorm tries to maintain a view coming at an angle over the ring post (instead of looking in at the match over the middle of the ropes) and its sort of strange seeing a guy on a ladder behind the ring while the match is going on. Of course, with the War Games setup also domineering around the ring, youre not likely to get that distracted.
But enough nitpicking.
What I love about Firestorm Pro is that they are using the ring as a canvas, in terms of creativity and pushing the envelope, not just rehashing the old things. Well, you can argue War Games is ancient, and the concept of two factions fighting for the control of a promotion rather passé, but who has done that storyline successfully and entertainingly since WCW/NWO?
Whats nice about the War Games DVD is that it isnt dominated by the gimmicked main event.
The card itself plays up to that finale, but not every match, and theres clearly some momentum and storylines making their own waves along the way.
Opening up the DVD is a match between Kenny Hendrix and Nickie Valentino. Hendrix is a big black guy who comes to the ring carrying a smaller chick. Its somewhat cringe-worthy, and somewhat pushing the envelope, but when it comes down to it, its professional wrestling doing what it does best making fans think, creating dynamics and changing things up.
Three things that the WWE seems incapable of doing, and TNA couldnt do if they had to do so.
Which got me into the promotion from the start. Point is, TNA has this no man/woman violence, and I do give that a half-hearted applause, but really, any pro wrestling promoter with half a brain wouldnt just walk up to that line, but would jump around it like a freak on a pogo stick.
Firestorm Pro and Kenny Hendrix man, they do things that make me worry, but its all good in the end.
And, before you start thinking things out, Nickie Valentino aint a chick. Hes a rather vanilla babyface who does the right things in the match, and outside of it, and puts on a good showing for himself.
Next up is Big League Stephanie against Vicky.
What I appreciate with Firestorm is that they arent doing Playboy bunnies or pillow fights or funny business. They are far more like WSU than the WWE, more in line with SHIMMER than TNA. These gals are putting on a wrestling match, and while the pace and spots werent all there at times, I was more impressed at the passion and the workrate than I would ever be dismissive of them as athletes.
Theres some more threatened and not so threatened man on women violence here, and a stand off that really comes across well, even though you knew it had to happen. Theres something about the image of Raymond Rowe and his posse that I cannot understand hasnt been stolen yet by the less-than-Creative types.
So much the better.
War Games contains the first two rounds of a Firestorm Pro Tag Team Championship tournament.
First match was The Irish Airborn, Dave and Jake Crist are well known in national indy circles. The Dayton Ohio brothers can run with the Briscoes, and are thus at the top of the heap of tag teams in the indy circuit. Surprisingly, they arent put over in this match, instead we get this team purported to be bouncers (or was it just dance kids?) from Pittsburgh.
Its fun when you play off that Cleveland/Pittsburgh rivalry, or any sort of big picture rivalry that can get the fans into the action from different psychological levels. Then again, Im probably speaking over the heads of certain wrestling figures.
Oh, well.
So a couple of skinny kids from Pittsburgh get to look good in a match against an established team. Nice use of visiting talent.
Next up is the next Tournament match, with the more established Cut Throat Crew Hey, Pirates! Against The Dead Nation hey, is that a goth gimmick, a 1960s hippie gimmick or what? I didnt think these guys could follow the Crists, but they certainly impressed me.
Firestorm Pro is setting up a nice division of tag teams, and well, any promotion willing to do tag teams the right way is one to watch.
M- Dogg 20 shows up next, admitting to an injury that keeps him out of a match with Lou Marconi. (That match will be taking place soon.) Instead, Matt Cross brings out Mathew Justice to take his place, against Lou Marconi, whos done some time in Western Pennsylvania promotions like the IWC.
Marconis looking big, but not in a Kenny Hendrix sort of fashion.
But he has a reputation as a solid worker, and the playing up of Justice as a protégé and the dynamics of such play out, setting up the eventual collision between a couple of more than capable grapplers.
Now, we reach the Main Event, and some excellent use of dynamics, psychology and expectations.
This is Awesome is a chant that doesnt always hold up to scrutiny, and Im hesitant to comment on using it here, except for the reality that when a company builds up a match, establishes the feud and brings the fans into a frenzy, then that company is doing all the right moves.
What impressed me was that the match was much more important, much more impressive and much more entertaining than the sum of the parts.
Thats because we know how War Games works, we know where the direction of the storyline is going, and instead of a big swerve, a big gimmick or some craziness that would blow up the promotion or leave everything hanging, they just play out the match and the storyline with a lot of no-nonsense booking.
You know, the kind of simplicity that builds fans up and makes them want to come back for more, and makes them know that theyve seen something important play out.
Thus, watching it play out with the hard hitting, the pairing off and the relative lack of bloodletting, despite the inclusion of JC Koszewski in some spots, and with enough high spots to make sense, it plays out nicely. Well, more than just nicely.
Team Big League is John McChesney and J-Rocc, Shane Tayor and Bill Collier. One guy (McChesney) who looked like John Morrison before that M became involved with the WWE. One guy whos a more than solid second fiddle wherever he shows up (J-Rocc) and a couple of good looking backup muscle.
Team Firestorm is Aftermath, Patrick Hayes and high-flyer Starless, plus the difference maker in Raymond Rowe.
Rowe has one of the most impressive gimmicks on the indy scene, this sense of a white gangster with an entourage, but in the ring, hes the second coming of Tazz, albeit taller and meaner looking. Earlier when the stand-off took place, the visuals of heels on one side, faces on the other, and then Rowes crew coming in to overwhelm things for the promotions side.
But again, its the dynamics and the playing out of the match itself that make this work. Not that the match itself is anything to overlook. Its just that Im not the kind of reviewer that ruins the match by spelling out the spoilers.
If you want to see an indy promotion doing pro wrestling at levels the big show seems to ignore, buy this DVD and get the T-shirt free!
Firestorm Pro is now established as a promotion to watch. With soon to be determined tag champs, with a top indy guy in Rowe to headline, and with multiple storylines coming out of the War Games DVD, theres a sense of direction.
Joe Babinsack can be reached at chaosonejoe@yahoo.com Look for more reviews to come.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
FIRESTORM PRO is proud to announce that on Friday night October 2nd we will return to the Phantasy Theatre (11800 Detroit Rd) with "A Call For Blood" featuring WWE Hall of Famer JIMMY “Superfly” SNUKA. This show is open to fans of all ages. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the action will begin at 7:30.
Tickets for this event are only $8 in advance, $10 day of show and $15 VIP!!! VIP packages include front row and/or stage seating and an exclusive meet and greet with JIMMY SNUKA.
Matches already Signed:
Undisputed Firestorm Pro Heavyweight Championship
SHANE TAYLOR is a dangerous competitor who stands 6 feet and weighs a staggering 350 pounds. He has an All-American amateur wrestling pedigree and is incredibly agile and quick for his immense size. Ever since he joined up with Team Big League SHANE TAYLOR has made it his mission to keep RAYMOND ROWE as far away from the Undisputed Championship as he possibly could. Twice he directly caused ROWE to be denied a title victory. During the climax of the WAR GAMES steel cage match, ROWE countered TAYLOR’s feared lariat and sent him headfirst through a table and scored the pinfall over TAYLOR to claim the Championship. The fact that he was the man pinned to cause Team Big League to lose their chance to take control of Firestorm Pro has been eating at TAYLOR since WAR GAMES. He is going to be a veritable ball of rage when the bell rings on Friday night October 2nd and “A Call For Blood.” ROWE is used to having the upper hand when it comes to strength in the ring, but when he steps in the ring against TAYLOR he will be in the unfamiliar position of being at a strength disadvantage. This match up could be the rare occasion when a reigning champion walks into a match up as an underdog. ROWE stands 6 feet 1 inches and weighs in at 257 pounds. He also has a strong amateur wrestling background and has supplemented that by studying Muay Thai and NHB fighing. He is very proud to have finally become the Undisputed Champion and regardless of any advantages TAYLOR might hold do not expect him to back down or give it up without a fight. Despite both men’s amateur wrestling backgrounds, do not anticipate a technical mat-based, hold for hold match up. This match is promises to be explosive from bell to bell. All bets are off when these two heavy hitters locks horns. Both men posses the offensive firepower to end a match at any time, and neither of them will hesitate throwing everything they have at their opponent. Make sure you are in attendance to see the fireworks live at the Phantasy Theater on October 2nd!!!
If this match were as simple to predict as comparing resumes this match would be a no contest. SNUKA was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1996. He was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the WWE in 2002, and has won enough national championships to literally double his weight in the gold that he has held. However, matches are not won on paper, and when SNUKA teams up with THE AFTERMATH on October 2nd he they are taking on two dangerous individuals in the devious J-ROCC and the powerhouse COLLIER who will be salivating at the thought of making their names on taking out the superstar SNUKA. The other very interesting aspect of this match up is the personal conflict between THE AFTERMATH and J-ROCC. An already heated rivalry hit a fever pitch when J-ROCC’s valet abandoned him in favor of the man she had fallen in love with THE AFTERMATH!! Usually, it is nearly impossible to keep J-ROCC quiet about any issue, but leading up to one of the biggest matches of his career against a hated rival and a ring legend, the outspoken grappler has been uncharacteristicly silent. Is he intimidated by challenge before him? Or is his silence a harbinger of bad things in store for his opponents on October 2nd? At “A Call For Blood” four men will enter the ring and only two will leave victorious, be there to find out who has the last word!!
Number One Contendership Match
Since Team Firestorm secured his control of the company, Firestorm Pro Owner JC has wasted no time in asserting his authority over the man who has spent two years doing his level best to ruin JC’s life. Last show JC made it very clear that if JOHN McCHESNEY wants a shot at the Undisputed Championship he is going to have to earn it. And if he loses in the process, he will not be granted another title shot for a full calendar year. Standing directly in his path back to the gold is the man who came within a hairs breadth of winning the gold at “Something To Die For 2009” PATRICK HAYES. These two men are not strangers, they have met on several occasions so both competitors will need to dig deep in order to surprise the other and gain an advantage. With a chance for glory on the line, who will dig deeper and find a way to walk out victorious? Will HAYES be celebrating his win at the end of the night? Or will “Big League” again set up a show down for the Undisputed Championship?
First Time Ever Match-Up
We here at Firestorm Pro are extremely proud to be host to the first ever meeting inside a ring of two of the most recognizeable wrestling names ever to come out of Cleveland. MARCONI forever left his mark on the Cleveland wrestling scene with his work during the 90s and the early part of this decade. He recently stepped back into the ring to bring back respect to the sport of professional wrestling, even if that meant he had to bruise the egos and bodies of the younger generation of wrestlers in the process. M-DOGG 20 has spent the better part of the last decade continually raising the bar for athletic and acrobatic matches not only all over the North American continent but across Europe and Japan as well. Every time that he steps foot in the squared cicrle it seems that he re-writes the laws of physics and defies the laws of gravity with his spectacular moveset. It is a rare occasion to catch him in between international tours, and the fans of Firestorm Pro are truly going to be witnesss to a match for the ages on October 2nd. It's old school vs new school in its purest sense. Who will prevail when the wily mat veteran crosses swords with the "Innovator of Aerial Insanity"??
The international sensation SHIIMA XION returns to action inside a Firestorm Pro ring when he enters across from Firestorm Pro Training Academy’s first graduate NICKY VALENTINO. Last month, at “Something To Die For 2009,” VALENTINO picked up his first victory when he defeated STARLESS. He has asked management to continue to match him up with tough competition, and they have delivered! SHIIMA has multiple tours of Japan and Mexico on his resume and he will bring all of his international experience to bear against the young up and comer VALENTINO’s intensity.
NEW Firestorm Pro Tag Team Champions CLUB DB will be IN ACTION
Despite their questionable tactics no one can argue with their recent success. CLUB DB sits atop a growing pool of tag teams in the ranks of Firestorm and won’t be able to rest on past accomplishments if they want to continue to wear the Tag Team Titles. With the recent addition of BROSA to the CLUB, JUSTIN and CJ are looking to firmly establish their dominance over Firestorm Pro’s tag team division.
Live Commentary provided by “Machine Gun” KELLEY and JEFF GORMAN
REMEMBER FANS: Firestorm Pro presents "A Call For Blood" featuring JIMMY “Superfly” SNUKA on Friday night October 2nd at The Phantasy Theatre. Doors at 7 PM. Tickets ONLY $8!!!
Be there.
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